Monday, October 13, 2008

Love has no enemies.

The last few weeks have been hell on our economy and also on the average American's wallet.  (An average American is still being decided upon so if you make more than $250k, don't read this.)  I stay up to date with the news and try to filter through what is a scare tactic to keep us in check or what is truth.

As most of you know, I am not a Bush fan.  Scroll down a few blogs and you will see which ticket I will be checking come early November.  That's besides the point.  I am writing this to make a confession.  I have been a horrible follower of Jesus as far as this goes (the whole not liking Bush thing).  I have my reasons to disagree with Bush and I think he really screwed some things up in Washington.  But I have asked myself some questions...

1.  How does my "not liking Bush as a person" glorify God?
2.  If I speak of love all the time, why can't I love him as well?
3.  What kind of example am I to my sons about love when I speak so badly of him?
4.  What kind of example am I to the world when I speak of him in a negative way?

This all rose out of questions I have been asking myself about Christianity over the last few months.  Bush spoke on CNN a few days ago and I looked past what he has done, said and what he was saying at the moment.  I looked into his eyes and saw someone that has needs just like I do.  Someone that needs grace just like I do.  It was truly a beautiful moment.  I am going to do my best to not speak ill of President Bush.  He is a man just like me in need of a Savior just like me.  If I (one of the most out spoken people that disliked Bush) can renounce my dislike for him and learn to love him despite the things he has done, what can the world or our sons or our co-workers learn from a love that has no enemies?

Note:  This is also a response to some of my favorite authors who have taken it upon themselves to use their celebrity status in the kingdom (if there is celeb. status) to go on campaigns for Barack Obama.  I do not speak for them but this "campaigning" really upsets me.  The gospel must be preached, not a politician's promises. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Justice is what love looks like in public."

Call+Response is a must see.  I found the trailer on the apple website in their movie trailer section.  This movie is a response to the millions of slaves around the world.  Sex slaves, work slaves or I guess we could just call them modern day slaves.  What is our response as Christians to this injustice?  How long will we have to wait until the church rises to the occasion of defending the poor, pleading the case of the widow and the orphan?  During this time of election it should be on the fore front of the questions we ask the white house.  What will you do to end modern day slavery?

Teenagers like Zach Hunter and Sally Rymer  (both 17) are beating us to the punch.  This generation is tired of what we did not do.  I'm including myself.  This generation is standing up and actually being pro-active in the long awaited day to the end of poverty and oppression.  This is what inspires me to believe in our future generations.  Barack Obama was quoted to say, "We can't leave a mountain of debt to the future generations" and with this being true, I don't see it happening.  We will leave a mountain of debt for our future generations but it's kids like these that give me hope for my own boys that they can rise above this and look beyond what we destroyed.  

Every night I speak, over my sons as they sleep, these few words.  "I believe in you.  You are a world-changer and a peace-maker.  I love you."

What can we do to make a change?  
